Temperature sensor TP-Exi-601_605

Product description

Sensors for temperature measurement in hazardous areas, with flexible protective sheath.

Technical data

Variants Atmosphere type Temperature range ATEX designation
TP-Exi-60X-XPX mines -20÷150°C I M1 Ex ia I Ma
gases -40÷450°C II 2G Ex ia IIC T6-T1 Gb
dusts -200÷550°C II 1D Ex ia IIIC T85÷550°C Da
TP-Exi-60X-XJ mines -20÷150°C I M1 Ex ia I Ma
gases -40÷450°C II 2G Ex ia IIC T6-T1 Gb
dusts -40÷700°C II 1D Ex ia IIIC T85÷700° Da
TP-Exi-60X-XK mines -20÷150°C I M1 Ex ia I Ma
gases -40÷450°C II 2G Ex ia IIC T6-T1 Gb
dusts -40÷900°C II 1D Ex ia IIIC T85÷900°C Da


Technical data:

Measuring elements Pt100 PN-EN 60751, class B
J (Fe-CuNi) EN60584, insulated, class 2
K (NiCr-NiAl) EN 60584, insulated, class 2
Sensor wire configurations 1P2: single Pt100, 2-wire
1P3: single Pt100, 3-wire
1P4: single Pt100, 4-wire
2P2: double Pt100, 2-wire
2P3: double Pt100, 3-wire
1J: single thermocouple J
1K: single thermocouple K
2J: double thermocouple J
2K: double thermocouple K
Protection sheath – steel 1.4541
TP-Exi-601 ∅9×1 mm
TP-Exi-602 ∅10×1.5 mm
TP-Exi-603 ∅11×2 mm
TP-Exi-601 ∅12×1.5 mm
TP-Exi-601 ∅15×3 mm
Process connection without or with compression gland, stainless steel 1.4541
Connection head XE-DANA, IP65, ATEX II 2GD
XE-BE, IP65, ATEX I M2, operating temperature up to 100°C
Cable gland ATEX II GD, IP65, for cable outer diameter ∅6÷∅8 mm
cable gland ATEX I M2, IP65, for cable of outer diameter ∅6÷∅12 mm
Ambient temperature (Tamb) -40÷75°C
Maximum operating pressure 0.1MPa
Response time t0.9ca 95s (in water 0.2 m/s for ∅9 mm)
Sensor length (L) 100÷3000 mm (by 50 mm)
Optional accesories 0: none
KP: compression gland
UZ: clamping plate
T: ATEX certified temperature transmitter
class A (1): sensor class
WPP: sheathed measuring insert

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