Temperature sensor TP-155

Product description

Penetration sensor for temperature measurement of loose materials in bulk storage heaps as: carbon, peat, sawdust and biomas.

Technical data


Temperature range -40°C … +150°C
Izolacja przewodu strengthen PVC (other on demand)
Penetration needle Ø 15 mm (2)
Measuring element platinium resistor (Pt100) (1)
Class of processing element B
Sheath material steel 1,4541
Sensor length L 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 mm (2)
Cable length Lk 1,5 m (2)
Handle and cable operating temperature -20°C … +80°C
Additional accessories plug type MP (for use with hand held thermometers) (2)

(1) Ni100, Pt500, Pt1000 and thermoelements on demand
(2) other paramaters on demand

Product attachments



Stock: 5
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