System for recording temperature in wood
Product description
The set is designed to record temperature in wood during phytosanitary treatment according to FAO/IPPC/ISPM 15 requirements.
Single-sensor system
The set consists of:
1. temperature sensor type TP-361DS-5-30-12,0; sensor with a diameter of 5mm and a length of 30mm with a cable with an example length of 12m
(cable length depends on individual needs).
2. temperature recorder type RT-11-2
Temperature recorder type RT-11-2 has a hermetic housing, has its own power source (lithium battery), its memory can
store 204800 measurement results, records temperature with date and time, cooperates with a PC via USB.
The logger’s software allows its configuration and visualization of stored data
Technical data
temperature sensor TP-361DS-5-30-12000
temperature logger with remote sensor RT-11-2